Saturday, December 3, 2016

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The Dangers Of UV Rays To Avoid Threatening! Here's How To Use Sunscreen, You Should know!

The Dangers Of UV Rays To Avoid Threatening! Here's How To Use Sunscreen, You Should know!
The Dangers Of UV Rays To Avoid Threatening! Here's How To Use Sunscreen, You Should know!
Sunscreen is the main weapon in the fight against the threat of UV light, but sometimes our efforts failed and culminated with the charred skin, in fact, all of that would not occur if you use a sunscreen with an appropriate way.

UV light is very dangerous for the health of the skin. Premature aging and skin cancer risk are some of the dangers caused by UV rays. Sunscreen or sunblock can prevent and protect our skin from harm. But sometimes we make mistakes that can harm ourselves when using it. As a result of our own skin becomes problematic. So how do I use the right sunscreen? 

Here are some ways just when using sunscreens so that healthy skin is protected.

Use sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going out of the House

Use sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going out of the House
Use sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going out of the House
Apply sunscreen to the face and entire body you'd like to protect about 15 to 30 minutes before going out of the House and do the activity under the Sun. The use of sunscreens remains mandatory even if you do not see or feel the heat of the Sun. Because UV rays can not alone we saw or felt, so yes do not forget to always use it.

Repeat every 2 hours use

Repeat every 2 hours use
Repeat every 2 hours use
Sunscreens usually will last a maximum of 2 hours or more depending on the type. Especially when you sweat or swimming. Although many sunscreen products stating waterproof but still it will not stick forever in our skin. Therefore repeat its use every 2 hours when you have activity under the hot midday sun.

DAB a little but evenly

DAB a little but evenly
DAB a little but evenly
Just a little DAB of sunscreen cream in the shape of about 0.5 gram evenly on the face and entire body. the use of too much, too ineffective. For shaped spray, you can use other ways by means of sprayed into the Palm of the hand first and then apply it on the skin

When using sunscreen, pay attention to the expiration date

When using sunscreen, pay attention to the expiration date
When using sunscreen, pay attention to the expiration date
The expiration date is very influential on the quality of the active ingredients contained in sunscreen. Even though you still have a sunscreen that left many in the bottle but when it's past the expiration date immediately dispose and do not wear again and immediately buy a new one.

How a good storage will also maintain quality sunscreen is getting awake

How a good storage will also maintain quality sunscreen is getting awake
How a good storage will also maintain quality sunscreen is getting awake
Let the bottles open in periods long enough will allow germs and bacteria contaminate the contents therein. Sunscreen will not be durable again after the exposure to high heat temperatures. Read the recommended storage condition on its label. Store the bottles in a drawer or in your bag after use.

Well, now use sunscreen and no longer need to fear of activity outside the home

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