Friday, December 30, 2016

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This Four Ways Burn The Delicious Sweet Corn

This Four Ways Burn The Delicious Sweet Corn

Roasted corn so favorite BBQ parties. There are many ways to burn corn. Which one you choose. Before making a roasted corn, choose the freshest picked corn. Because over time enzyme reaction will occur that makes the corn will be increasingly bland and mealy.

Serves roasted corn much how, but there are four common ways are wont to do that is burned with the Peel, with aluminum foil, Skinless Smoked or smoked. All of them have advantages and disadvantages. But it's best to soak corn crusted in water to retain moisture and flavor. It will give him more delicious seasoning after it is cooked.

1. With the skin

This Four Ways Burn The Delicious Sweet Corn

How to burn the corn with the skin quite easily, burn, turning occasionally, watch the inside several times whether is ripe or not. As a result, corn skin somewhat black on the outside and juicy on the inside soft corn. This way the cooking time approximately 15 minutes.

Once cooked, peeled and let it cool briefly, then it could brush the butter or eaten. How to cook easy, no hassle, and as a result the original flavor-rich corn fresh fragrance with a hint of corn skin. Jagungnya seeds, too juicy.

But the drawback, as the Peel, your hands could be black because of black charcoal. And when ripe, it is rather difficult to determine whether it is ripe it entirely because it encased in leather.

2. Aluminum foil Wrapped

This Four Ways Burn The Delicious Sweet Corn

In this way, you need to peel back the skin of his corn in advance. Wrap with aluminum foil and broil a while back-flip several times until done. Cooking time approximately 15 minutes. In this way, the excess is not dirty while peeling because of the former Black charcoal. Cooking step is pretty easy and aluminum foil makes a hot corn is more durable. Suitable for large events. But the drawback, it took the time to peel the corn.

For flavor and texture is not much different from the leather wrap method but after a few bites will taste less sweet. Probably caramelization process because of lack of comparable corn exposed to direct flame.

3. Without skin

This Four Ways Burn The Delicious Sweet Corn

In this way, simply Peel, clean fuel and corn. Behind every now and then until there are some freckles on fire. Do for a little over 10 minutes. Serve with a brand of butter and salt. The advantage of this way of time to cook more quickly, the process of cooking seen any clear sense of burning and had little taste nutty. In this way, the result of a shortage of corn will not be juicy like a wrapped leather or aluminum foil. The combustion process to note because if not all parts of corn could be black.

4. Smoked

This Four Ways Burn The Delicious Sweet Corn

In this way, you first need to peel the corn, need not be entire, lightly coat corn with oil and salt, and wrap it back up, open a little no what to pose much more of a sense of smokey. Grilled smoked briefly before then in order to get the texture of the corn perfectly. The advantages of this way, it feels like a unique smokey corn candy and can only be produced from this process.

Although the corn with the skin, this way also not dirty. The drawback, this way takes time, tools and special preparation.

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